Thursday 24 September 2015

Important Vocabulary

Upgrade= Actualitzar-Millorar
issue= Problema
shortcut= Drecera
Features= Característiques
locked= Bloquejat 
Share= Compartir 
Settings= Ajustos
up to date= Des-actualitzat
Scroll= Baixar
Wireless= Sense Cables
Broadband= Ample de Banda

Describing Yourself


1) Italian
2)I'm 19 years old
7)Means ¡
10) Friday

1)She is from Argentina
2)She have an Italian name because her grandmother was from Italy.
3)She lives in Mendoza.
4)She lives with her parents and her two brothers.
5)She is studying computer science at university.
6)Her eyes are green.
7)No, she isn't.
8)In her free time she like reading books and going to the cinema. 
9)She goes to English classes on friday afternoon. 

Monday 21 September 2015

Personal introduction


My name is Àlex and i'm currently living on Sant Joan de les Abadesses. I'm 15 years old and I'm studying at Bosc de la coma. I'm a very competitive person.

 I always play videogames online( my favourites are Counter Strike Global Offensive, Dark Souls and GTA V and I love to compete in them ) at my free time  but sometimes I play football, in football I'm supporter of Manchester United which I think is the best football club ever .

 I spent 2000€ on a computer with my savings and I'm proud of it.

IMG 20150527 182712

 I also like horror films, and my favourite film is Nightmare at Elm Street. I have seen like 60 horror films.

My favourite type of music is Rock and my favourite band is AC/DC. This year I went to a concert of AC/DC with a friend whose name is Xavier. We had a good time and we are happy to have seen them. I don't have a favourite song, because I think all their songs are very good but I think Highway to hell is better than the other ones.

I want to be a videogame programmer in the future so that is the reason why I choose this studies.

I'm tall ( 1,87cm) and I've got brown eyes and Short brown hair.